| House Painting Austin TX Need advice on making those color changes to your home's exterior that you've been dreaming of? Call today at (866) 930-0934! Thinking about having your House Painting done in Austin TX? Worse, thinking of doing it yourself? If you've ever tried to paint a house before you know it's hard work - precarious, messy, and, for a non-professional, it's easy to spend a lot of time and still not be satisfied with the result. The questions are endless: how much paint will I need to buy? How many coats will I need and why? What steps do I need to take to protect my work from aging, especially in Austin's unrelenting weather? Hiring a professional is a much better option, but a scary one too - how will you know where to find a good contractor? How will you know if they're reliable and, when they're finished, if they've done the job well? And there are the fundamental questions as well: should I be painting my house at all? What benefits are there to doing so? What season should I have it painted in? If I decide to do it, what colors should I use? Will my choices be timeless, or are they already out of style? For answers to all these questions and more, come to Created by an Austin area painting contractor with over twenty years of experience in the field, the friendly folks behind have the experience to offer you the advice you need to make smart choices: from tips on where to find the best contractors to the latest color trends and psychology, you can't go wrong with a visit or a call. They can even provide you with advice on how to maintain your home's beauty if you're currently satisfied with it! Best of all, if you're in the Austin, Texas Greater Metro area they've got a crew of experienced painters for House Painting Austin TX that can make your house look just the way you've always wanted it to - and they've got the testimonials to prove it! They know the weather, they know the ...